Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Tiff and Jar...

Happy 29th to Jared yesterday and 21st to Tiff on Monday!!! I can't wait for Jared's birthday next's going to be a PARTY! One thing I do have to remember is he can always get me worse. We didn't do much of anything. He got a new gun and is going to pick out a new scope since I didn't dare. I took him to the Roadhouse for dinner, then we came home and chilled; quite eventful, I know. It seems birthdays were more exciting when you are younger. You get to be the "special" person at school, bring birthday treats, don't have any chores, pretty much just do whatever you want. As you get older you still have the responsibility of your dailiy duties, unless you take a break from it all, which you wouldn't find Jared doing. He is always going.

As for Tiff, I'm sure she headed to the slots in Vegas that She and her hubby came up this past weekend so we did a little celebrating then. The girls had a fun filled weekend of going Christmas/Birthday shopping while the guys watched the big game. Also, my sister-in-law was out of town so Jared and my mom helped my brother get his baby room ready as a surprise when she got back!!! The room turned out so cute; I will post some pics of it when I get some.

Here are some pics from our weekend adventures...

Ry watching the cook at Tepanyaki for Tiff and Jar's birthday dinner.

Uncle Shaun and Ry

Tiffany "ridin" the pony. She sure was a good sport!!!
Can't wait to see you all this weekend in Delta for Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

SO SAD that I had to miss out on all the fun!!! And to top it off turkey day too, :( I hate work and school! By the way Ryah is so stinkin cute and she is growing way too fast, tell her to wait for Jax. :) Tiff's pic of Ryah laughing got me laughing... miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jared! Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving!

Jen Hanson said...

I love Texas Road House! And i love that in the back of one of your pictures there is the "call ahead seating" phone #. Now I can just look on your blog when I need that # ;) Thanks! Such cute pictures!