Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Some more 2012 year end randomness...

There are still a couple things I wanted to catch up on before getting to Christmas (ugh, I can't believe I got so far behind).  It amazes me how I thought life was so crazy with a 12 month old and newborn, yet it seems my life is more busy now than it was before.  Maybe it's because I'm on other's time schedule with school and stuff, whereas, before I was on my own and could do whatever, whenever.  I definitely look forward to holiday breaks and summer now.  I think I might dread my kids going back to school.  As crazy as some days are, I really do love having them home with me.

Here's a bunch of randomness from the Fall...

I surprised Jared with a date on his birthday. It's
always fun being together kidless. :)

Ashlyn's first pigtails

We were at the store and Ryah insisted on getting a
picture with the manequin.

How Shaun packs around his 3 boys

This girl likes getting her picture taken.  She went thru
a phase where she always wanted to pose or would do
something silly. 

Loves food and loves feeding herself.  Some of her
favorites are "choc" (chocolate), cinnamon toast, cocoa puffs,
steak, ice cream, and anything dipped in ketchup

Ashlyn went thru a phase after we moved into our house
that she thought wake up time was 5:30-6a.m.  Thank goodness
for cartoons because this is where she spent most of her

Ashlyn loves to take showers.  She would stay in there
for hours if I let her...

Ashlyn colored her hands with marker and then got
upset.  While crying she would wipe her eyes and the
marker would smear off her hand to her face.  She
had quite the pink stain for a few days.

Last, but not least, we sold our home and moved out the
week right before Christmas.  It is weird, but this home, never
really did feel like "home."  I'm not sure what it was, but it didn't.
We did have a lot that we were to start building on in
a few weeks, however, the seller called us last week and backed out of the has been a complete bummer and major upset because we really
don't have anything else we were considering.  We have been waiting since January for
the curb and gutter to go in so we could close.  I wish the seller would have
told us three months ago this is what they were going to do.  Oh well,
things happen for a reason right?  I'm trying to have an eternal perspective on it,
maybe we weren't supposed to be there, who knows.  So, now onto something
different...wish us luck...because right now, we really need it!!!  I didn't
want to spend all summer working on a house again. :(  This one we will
not be putting up for sale.  We will stay there for a long while. :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

New Family Pics

My mom had family pictures taken in November.  I feel bad for our photographer.  We aren't the easiest family to photograph with all the little ones.  My mom has gone from 0 to 8 grandkids in 4 1/2 years.  It will be fun as they all get older.  CHAOS best describes our current get togethers. :)

Ryah - 4
Jett - 4
Jax - 3
Keslee - 3
Cam - 2
Ashlyn - 1
Brig - 10 mos
Ava - 1 month