Saturday, May 23, 2009

Where Have I Been...What Have I Been Doing???

These are just some of the questions I have been asking myself. Lately I feel so unaccomplished. In fact, I feel like a gerbil who runs in it's wheel all day and at the end of the day I look around and feel I've gotten nowhere and nothing done...except for getting myself and Ry ready for the day. I'm not sure what the deal is, but I feel like I'm going in fifty different directions and the baby isn't even here yet. (Ahhhhh) I do know one thing I've been focusing on more lately and that is my one-on-one time with Ry. It's not that I wasn't enjoying the moment before, but now I've really set other stuff aside and have been focusing on her and our time together before the next one arrives. (That's a good excuse to push aside to-do list....right?) She is getting so funny and is communicating a lot more than I realized. It is crazy how much she understands already even though she can not communicate through talking.

Just some updates on Ryah. She's walking, but on her own time. If she's anxious to get somewhere, she chooses crawling over walking, but if she has the "time" she chooses to walk. She says Mama only when she is really tired and says Ba all the other times. (That's what she calls Dad) This past week my dad happened to tell her something was "cuh-cuh" and she got the biggest frown on her face and started hyperventilating and just wahling, it was so sad. I guess when it comes to Grandpa she is extremely tender hearted and does not want to get in trouble. Her top teeth cut through this last week and now her molars are swollen. We've had some restless nights as a result. It is crazy how losing those couple hours of sleep at night catch up to you, not to mention being prego doesn't help. Thank goodness for Jared, he has taken Ry and let me take some "cat" naps lately; too bad my "cat" naps have turned into two hours and crazy at it sounds I am still ready for bed by 9:30 p.m.

As for the new arrival, the pregnancy is going well and she is growing great. This pregnancy has gone by way too fast, though, and I do not feel ready at all. Do you ever feel really ready??? We still do not have a name picked out and to be honest have not discussed many options. I must admit Jared has thrown out some ideas and I immediately shoot them down...some of them I can not even believe he would think is an option :) We are starting to at least get the room ready for Ry so the baby can have her room; however, I am having second thoughts about moving the baby into Ryah's room and Ry into a new room. This might sound silly, but I think Ryah has some attachment to her bedroom. Numerous times a day I find her in there lying on her blanket on the floor. Sometimes she even puts her hands up and wants to play in her bed. The other day she played in her bed for a half hour. I felt like I had put her in a prison camp, so I would go get her out and she would reach to get back in it. She just wanted to sit and talk to the polk-a-dots on her bumper. Also, if I am trying to put her down for a nap and am not in her room, she does not fall asleep very easily. However, as soon as I walk into her room it is as though she just relaxes and goes right out. Now, what I thought was a "brilliant" idea, I don't think is so "brilliant."

As for me and Jared, we are enjoying being parents in addition to taking care of everyday things. I wish we had more one-on-one time together. Evenings and once a week just do not seem to be "enough." I have always been a firm believer in the importance of courtship even when you have kids. It is easy to get caught up in the kids and the mundane day-to-day tasks life brings. Jared has been awesome with helping me around the house lately and trying to get everything cleaned out for the baby to come. The other day I came home and he had all the laundry done and put away, can I just say what a huge weight off my shoulders that was. I must admit, laundry is one of my least favorite things to do. I am infamous for washing it, but leaving it in the basket once it's done. I know it drives Jared crazy, but he has been so patient with not harrassing me too much about it. Thanks Jar for all your help!!!

Since I'm behind, here are some pictures of our adventures the last few weeks:

Ryah loves giving kisses. Here she is giving Jax a kiss on his blessing day.

Had to throw in a picture of Jett...he is such a cute little fat baby. Still not as fat as his mom was as a baby.

Mother's Day...Me, Jeni Jo, and Grandma. (Thanks Jeni for always remembering your camera)

My mom has this car at her house which Ryah absolutely loves. She always rides in it with one hand on the wheel and the other trying to touch anything within reach. It is so cute.

Ryah caught red-handed by mom getting into Jax's diaper bag. I wonder why I even buy her toys, she plays with everything, but her toys.

She always want to give loves to the baby's when they are around. It will be interesting to see if she's as excited with one that is in her territory 24/7.
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the nice weather we are starting to have!!! Also, I promise to post some pregnancy belly pics soon.