Monday, October 13, 2008

Six Unspectacular Quirks

Thanks Chris for the challenge on this one!!! As Christy said, "If you get bored after the first one, it's okay...I won't be offended." :)

1. I think flowers are a waste of money. I would rather Jared give me chocolate or nibs instead of paying the money for flowers. Don't get me wrong, they are pretty and I do have a fav which are the fire and ice roses; I just don't see the point in them.

2. I always have to set the clock in my bedroom ten minutes fast. It's weird because I like all my other clocks (including the one in my car) to be the right time, just not the one in my room. This became about when I started junior high; however, back then I had to have it forty-five minutes fast...I know, that was a little excessive.

3. Whenever I go places, I check my purse continually to make sure I haven't lost my keys or my cell phone. This is a weird obsession I started within the last year. I'm not sure what the deal is, but I'm always afraid I'm going to lose them and then have to re-trace my steps to find them.

4. Whenever I buy a bottled drink, I always leave about an ounce. Thanks to my hubby for instilling this weird quirk. He always talks about the backwash that's in the last little bit...needless to say, I never consume that last little bit.

5. I very, very, very rarely order different things at a restaurant. I have about a dozen favorite restaurants and I always order the same dish. Jared always tries to get me to try something new, but I always resort back to my favorite. If I'm really hungry, I don't want to risk getting something I've never tried and not like it.

6. When I cook, rarely do I follow the recipe exactly. I don't add stuff I don't like, add more of the stuff I do like, and add anything else I think would make it taste good. I love trying new recipes, but am very simple. I'm not a flamboyant cook who likes to use all the spices and weird foods I've never heard of...the simpler, the better.

Thanks Chris for making me realize just how weird I really am!!! I tag anyone who wants to do it...


Anonymous said...

I totally do that with my bedroom clock and I am paranoid about my keys and phone too but I think that is because I have lost them so many times. Usualy I just leave my whole purse somewhere as you know from experience.

Tiffany Nelson said...

haha...You do love to go out to eat at your favorite places and always get the same thing :) I'm the same way though. I just don't dare to chance it! Why try something new when I know I will like the usual (Hence, Texas Roadhouse and their 6 ounce sirloin!)haha