Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Harder than I thought...

So, I've had my first official tag...thanks Chris!!!

Eight things I am Passionate About:

1. My Family: I love spending time with my fam. When ever I have some free time and Jared is gone, the people I always think of wanting to do stuff with is my fam and of course my cousin Chris. It's so fun to be surrounded with such awesome people!!!
2. My Religion: I've come to realize the importance as I've gotten older and especially now that we have Ry.
3. Shopping: I know this won't be a shocker to some people...especially Jared. It's not that I have to go to buy stuff, I just like to walk around most of the time. In fact, my cousin and I have planned summer trips to Cali and we always make sure we have a day to go to the beach, lounge, etc. In the end, we always end up shopping every single day. We know the transit system from mall to mall in San Diego like the back of our hand.
4. Sweets: I have a horrible sweet tooth. Because I don't want to feel like a pig, I'll often times buy me a candy bar a week and eat one square of chocolate per day. I do stick to the one piece, however, I eat other crap which probably amounts to eating the whole candy bar in one day. The worst is when you drive to the Chocolate Factory and they're out of chocolate covered strawberries, or you find out one chocolate covered strawberry is $8, but it sure was delicious.
5. Jared: I realize this one probably fits in with my family passion, but Jared is definitely top on my list. He is the best guy ever. I was really the one who lucked out in the end. He would do anything for us.
6. Piano: I am not the best at it, but I love to sit and play. I played a lot when I was pregnant with Ryah and now when I play, I lay her by me and she just sits there; it is extremely relaxing.
7. Reading: I've been doing this for years with textbooks, but I'm hoping I can venture into "real" books given some more free time. Although, I think that's all consumed with being in Young Womens. The last time I sat down and read a book cover to cover was when I went to Cali last summer. One of the most relaxing things I did was sit by the pool and read a whole book cover to cover in a matter of hours.
8. Learning: This one probably sounds weird, but I looooove to learn. I think I would take one class in college the rest of my life if I could.

Eight Words or Phrases I say Often:
1. "I don't care" (Jared hates it, but often times I really don't.)
2. "Whatever"
3. "Jar"
4. "I will do it" (It usually ends up with my mom assisting me somehow.)
5. "Are you for real?"
6. "Sorry" (I don't know why, but I usually take all the screw ups upon myself.)
7. "Yeah right" (Usually to Jared because he never tells me the truth...ever)
8. "lol" (In text messaging or email")

Eight things I have learned from my past:
1. Be careful who you trust.
2. Just because they're family, doesn't mean they won't take advantage of you.
3. Timing is everything.
4. Live as though every day was your last. (I still need to work on this.)
5. Don't take everything so personal...often times people don't mean it the way you take it.
6. You usually end up saying and doing things with your kids that your parents did with you.
7. Money isn't happiness.
8. Your independency is put in check once you have a kid...I rely on Jar so much now.

Eight places I would love to go or see:
1. Hawaii
2. Take Jared to Disneyland
3. Fishing in Alaska
4. The biggest shopping mall in America...is it in Minnesota???
5. New York
6. Bahamas
7. Chicago to take Jared to another Bears game.
8. Some place fun with the fam

Eight things I currently need or want:
1. Paint my bedroom and buy new bedding.
2. Wash my car
3. Win some PVC awards
4. Go on a date with my hubby.
5. Rip out two of my flower beds.
6. Find out what the Sheni's are having.
7. New carpet...I know our house is newer, but we didn't pick out the best carpet because we weren't planning on being here this long.
8. Whitening Strips

Eight people I tag:
1. Tiff
2. Bryndie
3. Kiesha
4. Whitney
5. Chicka
6. Katie
7. Jeni Jo
8. Anyone who wants to!!!

This was actually a lot harder then I thought...fun, though.


Christy said...

Oh man I think we're so overdue for a shopping vacation. We'll definitely have to celebrate being done with school. Can you believe it's been 13 months since San Diego??

It's fun reading those tags and reading up on things.

PS..Are you still planning on Saturday? Dinner and motab? Keep me posted.

Anonymous said...

The tagging thing is hard. It's fun to read them though. I'm with you on the shopping thing. That is what I like to do when I'm having a bad day. To bad everyday is a bad day.

Tiffany Nelson said...

Why thank you sister! You are too nice :) I'm still getting used to it...somedays i love it and other days I don't love it so much haha. My computer still won't turn on! It's making me angry. So thank you for Kevin's info. I'm definitely giving him a call tomorrow!

fergusonfam said...

Little Ryah is so sweet! We need to do lunch soon. I would love to see you and get Christy there also. Let me know when you are free. I'm pretty much free whenever. Let me know. I'm so glad that you have a blog so that we can keep in touch! They are great.