Here is a picture of her just happy as can be around midnight...I, on the otherhand, am dragging. The nice thing is once Jared gets home she starts sleeping again from about eight thirty to four thirtiesh, it's so nice.
Over the last week, Ryah has also been starting to get good control of her hands, it makes me sad because that means she's getting bigger, but yet it's fun at the same time because she is getting bigger. I think she might end up being a lefty like her dad. At first she was using her right hand, but now it's more her left, and she has better control of her left. Jared has this weird notion that lefty's are smarter, so he's excited. I guess we'll see what the near future brings.
As for the life of Jared and I, it's been busy. I was called into the Young Women Presidency, which is a bit scary. I don't feel "old" enough to be in with those girls. I had meetings and/or activities nearly everyday last week and Jared was awesome about everything. He took Ry and didn't complain one time. He even made sure he was home during the early afternoon's on some days...I feel very fortunate he's been able to have his own business which has allowed himthe flexibility to spend the time with us. Other than that, I've been doing the typical day to day stuff with Ry, keeping up on the house, and working from home for Faja Edwards. Jared has been busy trying to find time to go hunting in between his busy work schedule. Unfortunately, his hunt ended Friday and he didn't get anything. He saw a lot, but nothing worth taking home. Hopefully, he'll draw out again and it won't take eight years.
That's basically what we've been up to the last week...nothing too exciting. I do have to add a picture of Ryah I thought was cute. Jared got Ryah ready one morning and when I saw her this is what she was wearing. Thanks to grandma, she also has a Cheerleading outfit and a jersey. At least he did doll it up with accessories, he's a great dad!!!
This is probably one of the first pictures I have where she wouldn't smile reagardless of what I did. It's probably because her dad dressed her in Chicago Bears and she didn't want to be seen in it...JK Jared
Just a little side note, when Jared and I were dating I flew him out to a Bears game for his birthday. I set the standard too high for myself and haven't held up to that standard since we've been married, sorry Jar. I'll send you again.
They are smart little things aren't they, it is amazing how fast they catch onto their routines? Just when you dont want them to get bigger, they do with a blink of an eye. Trust me, it gets so much better. They get the funniest personalities.
Oh my heck, she looks like you when you were a baby (that first pic especially)! She's growing fast, I need to come visit again.
Glad things are going well still :)
Love ya!
She is too cute. I want to see her. My baby is getting so big and I miss the little baby stage.
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