Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Shout out to Jared...a little late :(

Just wanted to wish my hubs a Happy Father's Day like a month ago. The girls had a great time picking presents and making cards for him. I tried explaining to the girls that they were surprises and we weren't to tell daddy or give him his presents until Sunday. Sure enough when Jared got home Ryah had to tell him a secret without anybody around and told him she bought him a tie, but that it was a surprise so not to tell anyone...little stinker. The girls adore him and he has them wrapped around their finger. He lets them do whatever they want to him...his hair, put make-up on him, play dress-ups, play barbies or babies, paint their toes and fingers, etc.

The girls were so proud of the cards they made Jared. I let them pick out their own pictures to put on the cards, then they wrote a message to Jared on the inside.

Testing out his new Father's Day surfboard. Jared has become obssessed and is out on the lake at least 3 times a week. He loooves it. I haven't been able to join due to the pregnancy, but hopefully will be able to get out there shortly after the baby comes.

Thanks Jared for being such a an awesome dad and hubby! We love you and are so blessed to have you in our lives. :)

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