Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Funnies of Keslee :)

This girl is sooo silly. I can't believe she is almost 2, it is crazy. She is such a good sister to Ryah and has such a big heart. She gives into Ryah's whining if Ryah wants something of hers and will choose something different to play to make Ry happy. She is a major daddy's girl and asks about him constantly throughout the day. She rarely leaves his side when he's home. Some of her favorites are:

-Chocolate covered strawberries, hence, the pic below.
-Likes dancing and can be a little diva at times with her glasses. She calls herself a "Rina," Ballerina. :)
-Likes to sing, especially, Happy and you know it, Muffin Man, ABC's, Hokey Pokey, Follow the Prophet, and I am a Child of God.
-Enjoys dress-up
-Loooooves babies, especially cousin Baby Cam. On most occassions, I am juggling 3 girls, one of them being Keslee's baby which she thinks needs to accompany us on most of our outings. She plays baby's and pushes them in strollers majority of the day.
-Talks like crazy. The other day she was playing with the barbie doll house and was playing with one of the little chairs. I told her to sit on it (implying her barbie sit on it) she looked at me and said, "No, I break." I couldn't help, but laugh.
-After we get ready in the mornings she says, "Ehbody ready to go?"
-Loves "baseks" aka baskets.
-Insists on trying to put on her own clothes first and if she doesn't succeed, then she'll let me help.
-Loves sunglasses. The other day I went to get her for family night and found her on our bed watching Dancing With The Stars. I told her it was time for family night and she said, "No, I watch dancers wis my gasses."
-Wants to always help me clean. It is the cutest thing even though it takes twice as long. I finally bought her a spray water bottle that she squirts by herself, she thinks that is pretty neat.
-Loves chocolate and sauces to dip her food in.

We love you Kessy!!!


Tiffany Nelson said...

I love her soooo much too!!!

Christy said...

Oh my heck, Sher, she looks just like you did when you wore your sunglasses at my gram/grandpa Hales house in Logan while running through the sprinklers. I have it on video. She's so stinkin' cute.

Norman said...

I agree with you when you say where has the time gone. Both your girls are getting so big. I have to laugh as i read the post and all the adorable things Keslee says, marissa is so behind in talking. She's only a few months younger than Keslee but still only says maybe 20 words. I guess that's what you get when you are the 4th huh! It will come eventually.hope all is well.