Thursday, February 4, 2010

Summer...where are you???

Can I just say I am more than ready for warm weather. The last week and a half has been not so fun at the Kay's. I finally took Keslee to the doctor and she has RSV and Ryah has a sinus infection. Thanks to antibiotics things are starting to get better physically, but mentally we are all going stir crazy having to stay couped up in the house. I figured I might as well document some of the funny things the girls have been doing lately since all we have to do is "enjoy" each other's company.
Funny Ryah doings:
The other day she continued saying, "Daddy wipe." I told her dad was at work and didn't need a wipe. She insisted daddy needed a wipe, so finally I told her to show me. She took me upstairs and had her "people" from her dollhouse all sitting on the back of the toilet. She said, "Go potty, daddy wipe." It was so funny. I gave her a wipe and sure enough she wiped her "daddy" and then we proceeded to clean all of them with clorox wipes. :)

We went for a drive and she asked for her binki. When I said we left it at home, she told me to go back.

Whenever anyone asked where daddy was Ryah would say work, now she always says the potty. It's kind of funny. In her mind apparently when he's home, he's in the potty a lot.

Ryah is into anything that has to do with coloring. I always ask her what she's drawing and she says, "Write Ryah, Kesee, Mom, Daddy." The other day she said, "Draw Bankah (translated that's Grandpa). Not sure where she got that from, but it is kind of cute.
I folded and decided to throw in a bathtub picture. This is probably the highlight of our day. Ryah thinks it's swim time and Keslee loves to splash. The girls seriously stay in there until they are raisins, they love the bath. Ryah especially loves it when we let her get in the "big" bath (jetted tub), but Kes doesn't love it so much.

This is a picture of Kes shopping before she got sick, I had to post it. You would never have found Ryah doing this.
Well, I'm hoping all is well within the next week or so. There is nothing worse or more exhausting then having sick kids.


Bryndie said...

I am so ready for summer too. Ry would get along great with Burks, that seems like all we do is "COLOR".

Kirsten said...

isnt that the truth.
sick kids + being cooped up + cruddy winter weather = not very happy mommies.

I love all the cute things that ry is doing. its so funny to watch them act out what they see you doing, and once they start talking more, listening to their conversations and hearing phrases that you know you say. Kids are so much fun!

Glad to hear they are both feeling a little better.

Jenny said...

I'm with you on being ready for summer!! Sorry your girls are sick, and I hope they get feeling better soon! It really is the worst when kids are sick!