Thursday, January 28, 2010

Six Month Stats

Keslee had her six month check-up this week and since people continually ask how much she weighs, I figured I'll just post it...she is a whoppin' healthy 17.6 pounder :) I had a little chuckle when I looked at the scale. She definitely has not taken after her sister in the weight department. Ryah did not even hit the 20 lb mark at her 12 month appt.

Keslee's weight tends to gravitate to her cheeks and thighs, they are rolls of chub, it is so cute. In fact, she and Ryah wear the same size diapers now. We just love her.

This seating arrangement is a thanks to her big sister. Ryah likes Keslee to sit by her in the bumbo on the barstool to eat. Keslee, actually, really enjoys herself. She tends to eat better sitting at the bar instead of on top believe it or not.

On a more miserable note (at least for mom and dad because the nights are long and she switches between which parent she wants)...Ryah has been sick. The other night she woke up around 3 a.m. extremely hot. As the days have gone on, the 102 fever is on and off, her nose is running like crazy, and today she developed a nasty cough. She has hardly any appetite. I feel helpless because you can just tell she is miserable. She is up almost every hour from midnight until about six just trying to get comfortable and figure out how to breathe with her stuffed up head.

Anyone who knows Ryah knows she is a busy body and does not sit still very long (although we just recently made it through all of storytime at toddler time). She always has to be doing. So the pictures below really show just how miserable she is. The story behind the first picture is kind of funny. We were eating lunch and Ryah did not want anything to do with it...instead she looked at me and said, "I down, I go seep." I went and checked on her after feeding Kes and this is what I found. She never does anything of this nature so I know she's feeling pretty crappy. She keeps telling me she needs edcine (medicine).

After being downstairs for a while she wanted to watch Barney (which I vowed my kids would never watch, but she and Kes love him) in our bed. She seriously has just been sad.

This was at dinner...she had no interest in that either, instead she wanted to "Go seep" again. I will feel much better when she's better. She isn't as lethargic as she was this particular day, but she definitely isn't back to her Ryah-self.


Bryndie said...

Poor little Ry, it breaks your heart when your kids dont feel good. I can't believe Kels, what a little chunk, I love it! What darling babies you have!

Jenny said...

Being sick is the worst! I hope she gets better soon. How funny, though, that they both wear the same size of diapers! Super cute girls.

Michelle said...

Poor little girl! You can tell she just doesn't feel good! Hopefully she gets feeling better soon!

Christy said...

How sad! It seems like sickness has been really going around this season. Hope she feels better.

And Keslee's cheeks haha. I love chubbiness.

PS. Let's get together... we are available!

Kirsten said...

Oh yuck! thats so no fun at all having sickly kidlets....hopefully it just cycles through her and then you can be done with it all. I swear we get a bug and at least half of us have to get it, if not everyone, and between it all we are sick for 4 weeks! Uggh! winter-time.
Love the chunkiness of Kes. I swear I just have runts at my house. :) oh well. You just can't help but want to squeeze all that cheek and thigh fat!

The Hatch Family said...

so sorry to hear, sounds like our house the last week and a half. Of course the kids all got it one by one and not all at once. Luckily the baby never got the cough or much of a fever, just stuffy nose. hope you all get better soon!!!