Thursday, September 10, 2009

The NEW House...and Randomness

No, we aren't moving (even though Jared has had the itch up his sleeve for a while)...Ryah was just able to add a miniature house to her "small" collection of toys. Unfortunately, the "small" isn't an understatement. She loves it, but wants Keslee to play in there without mom and dad.

NO Parents Allowed...Ryah shutting the door on us. Doesn't Kes look amused??? :) Ryah is a very thoughtful big sister, I must admit. If she doesn't see Keslee (usually because Kes is sleeping), she wants me to show her where she is.

Caught getting into the diaper bag.

Miss Keslee herself...gotta love the double chin and chubby cheeks.

Ryah's first "mischievous" bout...I was on the phone and thought Ryah was playing really good as usual. When I went to check on her, this is what I found. Who knows where she found the ink pad. I didn't even know one existed in our house.


Anonymous said...

They are seriously to cute. I haven't seen a picture of the new one till now. She is a doll. I hope you are having fun with 2.

The Hatch Family said...

your kids are so cute, don't you just love it when your kids find something you have no idea where they could have gotten it from, and then get it all over themselves or something in your house, gotta love it and learn to just laugh huh, cause that's all you can really do when they are that little and curious.

The Stones said...

Cute little monkey! First of MANY moments, I'm sure!

Your little baby is A-dorable, and looks just like her mama.