Ryah with Aunt Taylor
I had to post this because I think it's cute how Grandpa is getting her to sleep. (It's still weird for me to refer to my parents as Grandma and Grandpa since Ryah is their first grandchild.)
It sure is payday when they sit and smile for you. I'm curious to see her personality come out.

I had to post this one for my brother...I bet you can't guess which one he is in the picture. He has this retarded Superman pose he always does and my mom just happened to catch Ryah in a stretching moment and it reminded me exactly of my bro.
This one reminds me of when my sisters would always tell each other to do "kissy" face for the pic. They've already taught Ry.
Those are just some funny pictures of Ryah we've captured, or I should say my mom, has captured lately since I didn't have my camera last week. This week hasn't been too exciting. Ryah got her first shots on Monday...talk about break my heart. You feel so helpless when they're staring at you with the look like why are you letting them do this to me. She hasn't been too bad, but definitely hasn't been my typical Ryah. Other than that life is pretty much the same around here. Just enjoying the little one and realizing she's growing up whether we want her to or not.