Tuesday, August 14, 2012

First...House Update

Where has the summer gone. I am so bummed, it went by way too fast. We have been having so much fun, I don't want it to end and "reality" to begin again. I've told Jared maybe we should just move to a compound in the middle of nowhere...less is more, right??? :) Anyway since I slacked and got behind AGAIN, I figured I would start with the easiest and that's the house. Quite a bit has changed since I last posted about it. Here are some previews. We hope to move in within the next couple weeks. Went from this...
To this...
To this...(minus carpet, cement, and a couple other things. I haven't taken new pictures the last few weeks)
This little chicka is in heaven with these windows underneath the stairs. She thinks she is so funny, it is quite hilarious to sit and watch her run in and out doing her scary voice. She is so silly. Anyway, there you have it! Things have gone rather smoothly minus the kitchen counter backsplash the countertop guys weren't supposed to do and the break-in's we have had. Having people steal stuff has been beyond frustrating...and costly. Not to mention how violated you feel. Jared has done a great job and our marriage survived (not that I didn't think it wouldn't.) Sometimes he would question me on my ideas, especially the green island, but went along with it. He has weird quirks that I didn't care too much or even thought about (it must be a builder thing) so his suggestions were great by me. We are still working on different paint colors in rooms, but those will come. One post down, about 50 more to go...

1 comment:

Christy said...

My iPad won't ever let me comment on your blog for some reason. But I wanted to comment because your house is gorgeous! I'm really excited for you two and hope to be able to come visit when you're moved in. Hope everything is going well, feels like I haven't seen you forever. Love ya!