Thursday, December 27, 2012

Best Birthday Present...

Jared gave me the best birthday present ever...LASIK!!!  I was hesitant at first, but finally gave in and scheduled a surgery date. The total surgery time per eye was appx 28 seconds. I would highly recommend it...and cuddo's to Hoopes, they were great.  

After having glasses for the last 22 years, I am so glad to get rid of them and contacts.  It is still  weird to wake up and not reach for my glasses or put my contacts in.  I absolutely LOVE it!!!

Thanks Jar :)

Day after appointment

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Happy 30th

I hit the big 30 in crazy. I don't feel much older than 20. Jared and the girls surprised me and had the basement all decorated. I went about the day not planning on much and Jared called and told me to be ready to go somewhere by 4:30. The time approached and I learned he had gotten a babysitter so we could go to an annual Benihana birthday dinner and tickets to see Thriller with my family.

It was a great time! He put a lot of thought into everything to make it special for me. I am so grateful for him and all he does for us. Thanks for the fun birthday everyone!

Fresh Beat Band

The girls have fallen in love with The Fresh Beat Band.  When I heard they were coming to concert I thought it would be a fun surprise for them...and it was.  They were so excited.  Keslee goes around the house pretending to play the guitar and fiddle and Ryah is on the drums.  It is funny to hear them play "music" school and act out the Fresh Beat Band shows. Keslee asks weekly when we get to go to their concert again. 


50th Party

My dad turned 50 the beginning of October.  My dad threatened my mom with her life if she threw him any type of party, but anyone who knows my mom knows she loooves to do parties so she could not not to anything.  She decided to keep it low key and that we did.  My mom and I went late one night and decorated the office.  When he got to work the next day it was full of surprises for him.  Then we had a pizza party for the employees and a video that my mom put together.  It was a great success...and he was definitely surprised.

For the weekend, we had a surprise trip down to Delta so we could have a little get together with my dad's family.  The girls love going to Grandma Jeanne's so we take up any chance we get to take a little trip.  Happy 50th Faja!!!

Camping - Smith and Morehouse

The end of September we went camping to Smith and Morehouse with Jared's family.  It was a very relaxing weekend.  We ate yummy food, went on walks, rode bikes, played games, cooked smores...all the "stuff" camping entails.  On occassion we resorted to hanging out on the road because that is where the sun always seemed to be.  Toward the end of the trip it was getting pretty cold.  Lucky for us there weren't many cars we had to move for. :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

House Update

Well...the house has been done for a while now. We haven't moved into yet, but are going to. We put it up for sale a few weeks ago. The past few months, Jared and I both felt we needed to put it up for sale to see what would happen. (It is weird the promptings you get sometimes.) I know call us CRAZY...I did.  There has been more activity on it than I thought there would be and there is a family who really wants it, but need to sale their home first. They just put their's on the market last week so we will see.

We have been looking at lots and called on some ground we have been interested in for quite some time. The property didn't have water shares which is a little bit of a problem and we didn't have connections to purchase any shares. The property was purchased a week before we called on it, but the owner has decided to do a little cul-de-sac of 4-6 1 acre lots instead of building one home on it. We would like to build there, but improvements still need to be put in so it is a little bit before anything could happen. We are used to playing the waiting game, though...I have learned a lot of patience the last year and a half that's for sure.  There has definitely been a different plan in store for us.

Thanks to my awesome hubby and bro-in-law for working so hard to get everything just right. There are a couple things that need finishing (the bottom of the mantle which is done now, a couple things on the acid stain floor, RV pad and paint the garage...pretty small list considering) but they will come.

Here are some final pics: