Thursday, January 28, 2010

Six Month Stats

Keslee had her six month check-up this week and since people continually ask how much she weighs, I figured I'll just post it...she is a whoppin' healthy 17.6 pounder :) I had a little chuckle when I looked at the scale. She definitely has not taken after her sister in the weight department. Ryah did not even hit the 20 lb mark at her 12 month appt.

Keslee's weight tends to gravitate to her cheeks and thighs, they are rolls of chub, it is so cute. In fact, she and Ryah wear the same size diapers now. We just love her.

This seating arrangement is a thanks to her big sister. Ryah likes Keslee to sit by her in the bumbo on the barstool to eat. Keslee, actually, really enjoys herself. She tends to eat better sitting at the bar instead of on top believe it or not.

On a more miserable note (at least for mom and dad because the nights are long and she switches between which parent she wants)...Ryah has been sick. The other night she woke up around 3 a.m. extremely hot. As the days have gone on, the 102 fever is on and off, her nose is running like crazy, and today she developed a nasty cough. She has hardly any appetite. I feel helpless because you can just tell she is miserable. She is up almost every hour from midnight until about six just trying to get comfortable and figure out how to breathe with her stuffed up head.

Anyone who knows Ryah knows she is a busy body and does not sit still very long (although we just recently made it through all of storytime at toddler time). She always has to be doing. So the pictures below really show just how miserable she is. The story behind the first picture is kind of funny. We were eating lunch and Ryah did not want anything to do with it...instead she looked at me and said, "I down, I go seep." I went and checked on her after feeding Kes and this is what I found. She never does anything of this nature so I know she's feeling pretty crappy. She keeps telling me she needs edcine (medicine).

After being downstairs for a while she wanted to watch Barney (which I vowed my kids would never watch, but she and Kes love him) in our bed. She seriously has just been sad.

This was at dinner...she had no interest in that either, instead she wanted to "Go seep" again. I will feel much better when she's better. She isn't as lethargic as she was this particular day, but she definitely isn't back to her Ryah-self.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Six Months...Already

It seems like just yesterday I was in the hospital on bed rest with this munchkin. Her last 6 weeks in the womb were a rough ride for me, but I would do it over again in a second. I can't believe she recently hit the six month mark. It seems it took Ryah forever to reach six months.

Keslee is such a sweetheart and has a smile that is contagious. I practically squeeze the life out of her everytime I hug her. We love having her...and so does Ryah. Some of the "milestones" she's reached are:

-Just recently graduated from the bassinet to the crib...I know this sounds silly, but it is true. For the first month of life, the girls spent it in a bassinet in my room. Keslee spent a little longer due to her being on the monitor. Well, the little girl developed a major attachment to her bassinet and didn't want to sleep in anything, but that. The last couple weeks she became more and more annoyed by the bassinet because she couldn't stretch out, yet she didn't want to depart from it. Despite the crying of feeling "free" the first couple times she went down, she eventually mastered the crib which is now her resting place.

-Has taken an interest in food other than the bottle. I know this is horrible, but today she devoured a salt and vinegar pringle. Ryah decided to share her snack when I wasn't looking. When I went to take it away Keslee screamed, so I let her try it out and sure enough she loved it. She kept trying to reach for more.

-Sits on her own

-Loves the bath

-Loves has gotten to the point that sometimes she is ornery while Ryah is napping, but as soon as Ryah wakes up she's a different kid. She loves her sister.

-Loves watching cartoons with Ryah in the morning while holding hands. The funny thing is Keslee really will put her hand out when Ryah is by her. It is so cute and Ryah loves it, too.

Another snapshot of holding hands while watching cartoons.

We read to Ryah before she goes to bed, in turn, she likes to read to Kes.
Keslee is so full of love and has such a special spirit. We can't imagine life without her and look forward to the many years to come.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...a little late

Wow, where did December go. I can't believe it's over. We had a crazy month, but it was well worth it with family time we were able to spend. There is nothing better than all being together. Here is a brief overview of the month...

First part of December we enjoyed the annual Snowbird treat my dad does for all the employees. It was hilarious, we did "ES3 Idol", the company owners were the judges the Idol cast. You were paid $100 just for participating and then the audience voted for the top three who won larger money prizes. It was a husband/wife duo who won doing their version of Sunny and Cher. The husband was dressed as Cher and the wife was dressed as Sunny, it was great. Afterward, the judges surprised us all by serenading us with their rendition of Beyonce's...All The Single Ladies, so funny.

Mid-December we enjoyed family night with part of the fam at Desert Star's Dinner Theater presentation of The Nutcracker: Men In Tights.

Christmas Eve day was spent with my fam. We get together at my parent's church to play games. We used to do the movie thing, but due to the addition of kidlets our tradition has taken a backseat. The evening is spent with Jared's family doing dinner and a cousin gift exchange with his mom's side.

Finally, Christmas...oh, how fun it was with little ones and I can only imagine how each year gets better. Jared and I decided we are going to set the expectations while they are young so they don't expect a huge, lavish Christmas. I really want to teach the girls the importance of giving as well. They still were spoiled. Ryah got a dollhouse which she loves to play with. Her "people" take a bath with her every morning and are put to bed every night. She also got books, coloring paraphernalia, a baby, a ball blower, blocks, and an outfit. Kes got a ball with a clown on it and everytime you push the clown it makes music (it is one of the more annoying toys we've purchased lol), teething toys, bath toys, and an outfit to match her sis. I got Jared some golf stuff and he got me a new flatscreen TV he wanted. I admit, I like it. He also splurged a little more and bought me an outfit, my sister's complemented him all day on the purchase. He was pretty proud of himself. We went to Jared's parents after opening our presents for breakfast and do a gift exchange with his brother's and parents.

Christmas night was spent at my parents for the traditional Christmas Auction. This year the theme for the 12 days of Christmas my mom did for us was "Time." A lot of the gifts it was based around spending time with family, making time to get your house in order, etc. The Christmas Auction presents varied from food storage buckets, food organizers, shopping spree's, various gift cards, entertainment tickets, to the grand prize of an iPod touch which Tiff and Zach bid the highest. Our family lucked out with food storage buckets to add to our others, an all expense paid date night to Bill Cosby with my parents, golf stuff (Jar loved), and a couple gift cards. It was such a fun time. Thanks to my mom who goes through all the work to put everything together, I can not even imagine how much work it is...and of course my faja for funding the fun :) We feel so blessed.