Thursday, November 12, 2009

Our Two Princesses

Often I ask myself how we do it...sometimes I think the twins (as most people know, we lost them in 2006) would have been easier than the age closeness of Ry and Kes who are not even 13 months apart. Then I am reminded of the challenges we went through when trying to conceive Ry and am so grateful Kes came when she did, surprise and all!!! Our lives have been so fulfilling and rewarding over the last year with these two little ones. Ryah is such a great big sister. She adores Keslee and makes sure she we never forget to put her in or get her out of the car, tend to her when she's crying, etc. My favorite time of day is first thing in the morning when they both wake up. They are full of smiles and Ryah loves to cuddle in our bed with Keslee and watch cartoons. Note the pic below. On a side note, I caught Ryah letting Keslee suck on her finger the other morning while they were watching cartoons. I wondered what all the sudden made Kes stop crying.

Keslee has discovered her tongue, can you tell :)

Ryah putting all of her bouncy balls in her purse.

Keslee fell asleep in the bumbo.

One of Ryah's favorite past times when she gets her PJ's on at night...sliding on the kitchen floor.

One of my most favorite things of all...seeing my girls so happy.

I do have to admit, throughout all of this, there is one thing I think I have lost (hopefully just temporarily misplaced) and that is my mind. I used to be so organized and on top of things, now I am lucky to remember that "special" place I put my phone. keys, purse, etc. It is driving me absolutely nutso...I have decided it is best to just things day by day. I hope one day it returns, but as for now sorry, if I seem completely forgetful. It really is not intentional, at least I have a good excuse...our two princesses :)


Bryndie said...

I am right there with you as far as loosing my mine. My house is never clean anymore, my hair is never done, I hardly wear makeup.

I figure these kids are only little once and I need to give them as much as attention as they need, everything else can wait:)

They are so cute together, they are going to be best friends!

Michelle said...

Your girls are adorable Sheridan!

the Tonioli's said...

My theory is that with every child a little bit more of your memory leaves. You're such a sweet mom.

Kirsten said...

who needs a mind anyway? as long as you've got your girls and can remember where you live...not much else matters right?
It does get easier (i'm sure your noticing everyday) and pretty soon they'll both be running off to play somewhere and coming up with the funniest things to say and do, which makes it all worth it. :)
I didn't know Ry's hair was long enough for pig tails?!? too cute! so much fun to do little girls hair :)