Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween

Our Halloween festivities started on Friday with a party at Jared's parents house with all the cousins. There was yummy food, pumpking carving, and playing "catch" up with everyone since it seems we only see some family a hand full of times throughout the year. Thanks Rock and Lorraine for a good time!!!

In order to attend you had to dress up so we decided to be farmer's since Ryah was a dog (she insisted on having the costume) and Keslee was a chicken.

Daddy and his girls

Grandma and Keslee

Jared's brother Brad and his fam...gotta love Brynlee's pose in the middle. Why do girls have to be so drama sometimes :)

The Joker (Jared's uncle) I didn't recognize him when he first walked in.

"Amazing" Man (Jared's Bro) and Braxton...if you know any single ladies "Amazing" Man is on the look-out

Mom and Kes

Ry was so excited to wear the cowboy hats when we got home.

For Halloween night we went to my parent's house, ate Tepanyaki sushi, and took the kids around trick-or-treating. Our neighborhood does the trunk-or-treat and I am a little biased to the tradition of going house to house, which is why we went to my parent's neighborhood. After about three houses, Ryah was mesmerized that if she held out her pumpkin bucket and said trick-or-treat people gave her candy.

Keslee, Jax, and Ryah

Ryah soon got to the point where she wanted to sit on the grass of each house and eat the candy she had just received. She danced all around and absolutely loved the fact mom was not taking the candy away from her.

This pic goes to show just how excited she was. She started dancing around the pole of the mailbox...such a silly girl.

We had such a fun time. We absolutely love our kiddos and can't wait to see what next Halloween brings!!!


Kiesha said...

Sher! I just got caught up on your blog and your little family is just to adorable! I sure miss seeing the family but when you get a little one of your own time flies! Hopefully we can catch up at Thanksgiving or Christmas. Looks like you had a wonderful Halloween with your darling girls. Luvs!

Brandi Hyer said...

Hello Sheridan, your babies are so very cute! I am glad to see that you are so happy (and busy).

Aleesha said...

Your family costumes were adorable. Poor Ryah is just too cute for her own good. Even the other kids can't leave her alone! Also, thank you for the websites you gave my mom. Its always nice to save money :)

Sherrie said...

Sher! LOVE these pictures! We HAVE to get together asap! I miss you so much and it has been way too long! I am driving back east with my cousin and will be flying back next tuesday - let's get something planned!! Love ya!

Mechelle said...

So cute! I like door to door trick-or-treating too! Your little ones are sure cute!

Kirsten said...

fun Halloween pictures and costumes! I like the rule that in order to go to the party you had to dress-up...makes it much more entertaining for the adults :)

Bryndie said...

Too Cute!