For Halloween, we had a party at Jared's parents the night before Halloween and my parents the day of Halloween. We hit maybe 5 houses Halloween night because of the crappy weather. For a few days after Halloween, Ryah would say, that house give me candy, mom. Ry was Snow White and Kes was Minnie Mouse. Jared and I were ourselves, boring, I know. We will definitely make up for it next year. :)
My cousin Dylan left on his mission to South Africa. I was able to play the piano at his farewell and my Grandpa was asked to speak by Dylan's bishop (who is my cousin) even though my Grandpa isn't in the same ward, it was cousin was definitely inspired. It basically turned out to be a "family" sacrament meeting, but would you expect anything else in Delta??? Haha
My cousin Christy got married the 12th ...CONGRATS!!! This one has been a long time coming and we were so happy for them. I had the privilege of being her escort, what an awesome experience it was. :) Her hubby was involved in a spelunking accident the Saturday before their wedding. A boulder fell on him and he broke his left arm extremely bad. He got out of the hospital Wednesday night, she took out her endowments Thursday, and they were married Friday. Ben was a trooper and acted as though he was in no pain. We also had a bachelorette party for her the week before her wedding. It was so fun getting together with all the cousins...we have all stayed pretty close to each other, luckily. girlies, what more can I say. They are awesome!!! A year ago I don't think I would have said that about parenting. I seriously thought I needed to be in a mental institution some days, but now I would not trade it for the world. They are my favorite and we have so much fun with them. Ryah is so silly and talking like crazy. She switches from wanting to be a baby to a big girl. She wants to be a baby anytime we are at home, but when we are ready to go somewhere she wants to be a big girl because she thinks it is an out to be able to sit in the "big" girl seatbelt. She looooves to dance, be the teacher, color, play babies, etc. We sing songs and dance 24/7. Some of her favorites are Hokey Pokey, Head/Shoulders/Knees and Toes, Here's a ball for baby, I Love You, and lots more!!! She corrects me if she thinks I sing a song wrong, for instance Mary had a little lamb is Mary had a little man according to her. She also has her own rendition of I am a Child of God, it's pretty cute. She is continually asking when she gets to go to school...seriously, is staying at home with mom that bad ??? :) She is bugged her dad hasn't put Christmas lights on her house and asks him why he hasn't got out his Christmas stuff.
As for Kes, she is too cute. Her vocabulary is flourishing like crazy; however, her favorite word right now is, is so annoying, but at the same time so cute. :) She loves to copy Ryah and Ryah eats it up. I can't imagine what's going to happen the day Keslee realizes it isn't as fun to do everything your sister does and/or tells you to do. That is definitely going to be a sad day in the Kay household. She has been teething like crazy the last couple weeks, poor girl. Molars on top and bottom, plus two other bottom teeth. She hasn't been the happiest camper, but that's expected. She's growing out of her chubs and is slowly gravitating toward a little toddler, it makes me so sad. :( I don't know what we would do without her little penguin waddle trampling around.