Tuesday, December 8, 2009


This last year has had so many good and bad things happen and I am so grateful for all of them. I truly have so much to be thankful for. I have an awesome husband (and best friend) who I get to spend eternity with. I have vibrant, healthy children, something which is so priceless now-a-day. I hear stories so often of families whose children are struck with terminal illnesses and my heart goes out to them. I can not even imagine. I am especially grateful for my knowledge of the gospel; it is basically my self improvement program. I could go on and on, but my sleeping has become a priceless commodity and I have to take advantage of every minute. LOL

This year we spent Thanksgiving with Jared's side of the family and I'm horrible and didn't get any pictures. It was a lot of fun and Jared's grandma always goes to so much work to make sure everything is just right. Afterward we headed to Delta for the weekend. My cousin Jade had his mission farewell so we did a lot of family bonding.

Hanging out at the Mexican Restaurant in Delta.

We took Ryah to the roller skating rink...and yes, you can only wear roller skates, no roller blades allowed. Ry thought it was the best thing ever, she didn't want to take off her skates.

Jared was a trooper and put on a pair of skates to take Ryah around...she was laughing.

My brother wishing he was a figure skater :)

Jared and me at the end of our skating adventure. I guess I should say Jared's skating adventure. We had a great time and I can't wait to take Ryah to my family's big skating party. I get so excited just taking her places now to see her reaction.
All-in-all we had a great holiday...couldn't ask for any better.


Kiesha said...

Missed ya at Gma J's but looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! I love the skating photos. Too bad Shawn and Jared didn't pose together. It could've been the skating version of "Blades of Glory". See you at Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Your Family is just too cute for words!