Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Fun and More...

For Easter we headed down south to visit my family (my dad's side of the family) in Delta. It's been an annual tradition ever since I can remember. It was a lot of fun to have all my family together and the cousins. It's not often that all our schedules coordinate making it possible for us to be in the same place at once.

My mom did something out of the ordinary this year and had a glow-in-the-dark Easter egg hunt for all us married couples. Saturday night she hid a bunch of eggs, then she gave us a bluelight flashlight and we were off. It was actually kind of hard. You could not see the eggs at all unless the flashlight was on them. We were just as excited to get inside and open our eggs; just like a little kid. Jared and I made out with $70+ dollars and some candy. My mom went to a lot of work stuffing 80+ eggs for us. She's always going over and above...thanks Mom!!!

Ryah got an Easter outfit (I bought a dress prematurely) and a basket full of "Graduates" snacky food. The lil' munchkin is a big time snacker and chocolate milk drinker; however, she won't drink out of a sippy cup. She has to have a big cup with a bendy straw believe it or not. That's how she wants to drink everything. She's also discovered where the junk drawer is and goes there a couple times a day. I can't believe at only 9 months how much she amazes me. Here are some pics of her with her Easter hat on, for some reason my pics of her with her basket are all blurry :(

As you can see, it didn't stay on long.

I was too caught up in the moment to take pics, so I had to steel this one off Jeni Jo's blog. This is two week old Jax and almost 4 month old Jett. Jett is only three pounds lighter than Ryah. Everyone tells my sister her milk must be straight cream. He is a cutie. It's crazy to think Ryah was half of Jax's weight. I don't remember her being so small. They are both such good babies.

We had a lot of fun in Delta. Thanks to my Grandma for accommodating all of us. We had a great time.

Our lives have been busy, but at the same time boring. We were hoping to go camping this weekend, but Jared got tied up with work, not to mention the lovely weather. I hate sitting in the trailer the whole entire time. I wish it would warm up. We are going crazy being stuck in doors days on end. Besides my creativity is running out of things to keep Ryah entertained. This was her most recent attempt of entertaining herself. I was loading the dishwasher the other day and she decided to "help" me by unloading it at the same time. I couldn't help but laugh...I love her to death.

I turned my head to grab rinse another dish, turned back around and she had the spoon in her mouth...nasty. I do wash my dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, but still.

My mom and I also ventured the other day to the Treehouse with Ryah. Here are some pictures from our outing.

She loves the magnetic pen that moves the objects in a circle.

She liked the big fish costumes.

Ry wanted to give the fish a kiss. I love it when she turns and wants to give me a kiss out of the blue.

Sitting in the oval office...I love this one.

Playing with the trains thinking she is so big. I can't help but squeeze her everytime I see her. By the end of the day she's pushing me away...

As you can see Ryah is basically what we do. She is our lives and we wouldn't change it for anything. Jared and I were talking the other day trying to recall what we did with our time before we had her. It's going to be interesting to see how things are once her little sister gets here. She gets jealous when Grandma pays attention to the other grandkids, but when I was holding them this past weekend she didn't do anything about it. Just looked at me and passed right by. I guess we'll see what happens when the little one is in her "territory."


Bryndie said...

It is amazing how we even had a life before our kids huh? The idea of having to leave Burks for a few days while I have the baby makes me sick. She is my little buddy 24/7!

How fun, glow in the dark easter egg hunt! Looks like you guys had a great Holiday!

Ry is a doll, I could just squeeze those cute cheeks of hers!

Kirsten said...

Looks like lots of fun! I so am wanting this weather to be nice...once and for more nice weeks followed by rain and snow! Ryah is getting so big, they just keep getting funner, and funnier. She looks like she is gearing up to be walking soon! :)
We need to plan a play date!

Sherrie said...

I love your sweet!! Sounds like a fun Easter (good ol' Delta!). I can't believe how big Ry's getting!! WOW! I can't believe to get back to Utah to see her!!!

Christy said...

She continues to remind me of you as she gets even older. She is so flippin' cute!! And I can't believe you have 3 almost 4 babies in the family...within a year. Crazy!!

We need to do dinner again! And hopefully you can come to Vegas in May or sometime! =)

Love ya!