Last Tuesday was our anniversary. I can't believe it's been four years. Time sure has flown by. Some of our experiences over the years have been broken arms and the long recovery, the loss of our twins, numerous truck purchases, awesome camping trips, school, career changes, difficulties becoming pregnant again, the birth of Ry, parenting, and much more. I'm so grateful for the good times and the bad. We have grown so much from both which in turnhas made us closer. Our day consisted of a lunch date without Ry and that was basically it. Being able to have some one on one time is priceless now that we have Ry. Jared is an amazing guy and such a hard worker. He's always in the best interest of our family and I admire him for that, even when he'd rather do something else. Thanks Jar for an awesome 4 years and many more to come!!! Here are some pics from our big's always fun to reminisce. I swear we look so young, but I didn't feel young getting married at almost 23 and Jared 25.
I'm having a hard time finding my edited photos, sorry they're so far away.
On Saturday we had a shower for my sis-in-law Jeni Jo. She's due in two weeks. I stole some pics from her blog since you guessed it...I forgot my camera.
Me, Jeni, and Ryah.
She made out like a bandit. I swear Jax has enough clothes to last him the first five years of life. Too bad 0-12 mos don't fit them for long. We are excited to meet our new nephew in a few weeks.
Lastly, I have to post some pictures of Ry and her cuteness lately.
Ryah loves to sit and wash the dryer when I'm doing the laundry. She just sits there and stares at it spinning around and around.
She was being really quiet while I was making dinner and when I went to check on her, this is what I found. She had gotten my wallet out and taken out everything. Thanks to her, though, I finally took the time to clean it out.
This picture makes me sad :( Everytime Ryah notices Jared going downstairs to his office, she'll sit by the door anxiously awaiting his return. She'll poke her head in the crack, waving her hand making it look like she's gesturing for him to come's so cute.
Well that's pretty much been us the last few weeks. I know I'm behind on a couple tags and I promise I will get to them. :)
Sounds like you had fun in San Diego. I miss that place!!
I'm sad I haven't been part of Ryah's life more! We need to get together more often. Times are busy but there's always time to make :) She's so cute!
Glad things are going well and I can't believe it's been 4 years. Congrats!!
I can't even express how stinkin cute Ryah is.... it'll be exciting to see how she reacts to Jax, and soon baby #2 :)
Congrats on 4 years, Ry is so adorable!!
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