Wednesday, October 10, 2012

House Update

Well...the house has been done for a while now. We haven't moved into yet, but are going to. We put it up for sale a few weeks ago. The past few months, Jared and I both felt we needed to put it up for sale to see what would happen. (It is weird the promptings you get sometimes.) I know call us CRAZY...I did.  There has been more activity on it than I thought there would be and there is a family who really wants it, but need to sale their home first. They just put their's on the market last week so we will see.

We have been looking at lots and called on some ground we have been interested in for quite some time. The property didn't have water shares which is a little bit of a problem and we didn't have connections to purchase any shares. The property was purchased a week before we called on it, but the owner has decided to do a little cul-de-sac of 4-6 1 acre lots instead of building one home on it. We would like to build there, but improvements still need to be put in so it is a little bit before anything could happen. We are used to playing the waiting game, though...I have learned a lot of patience the last year and a half that's for sure.  There has definitely been a different plan in store for us.

Thanks to my awesome hubby and bro-in-law for working so hard to get everything just right. There are a couple things that need finishing (the bottom of the mantle which is done now, a couple things on the acid stain floor, RV pad and paint the garage...pretty small list considering) but they will come.

Here are some final pics:

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ashlyn is 1

Our caboose has turned 1!!!  I arrived home from NY the evening before Ashlyn's birthday, so I was unprepared to the least.  Having birthday's every two weeks starting the end of June, plus being gone on vacations, doesn't help the situation either. 

Her birthday was very low key.  I think it was more a celebration for Ryah and Kes than anything.  She got a push popper, a baby, and a piano thing.  It is super cute to hear her tell you how old she is.  She holds up one finger and says "un" in a very low key, fast voice. 

Facts about Ash:
-Perfect mixture of her two sisters.
-Started walking on Ryah's birthday.
-Loves to play house...she's all about carrying and pushing the babies, talking on the phone, carrying a purse, etc.
-Enjoys music.  She starts a moving when she hears a tune.
-Loves singing "Here's a ball for baby" and "There was a little house"
-Likes climbing
-She humors us by bonking herself on the head with her hand.  Then she throws her head back in this ridiculously funny cackle like she just did the funniest thing ever.
-She says, mama, dada, bapa (grandpa), manma (grandma), tees (means brush her teeth), baba (blankie or bottle), uh-oh...she is starting to copy what you say more and more.  I love this age!

She is always crossing her feet.
Brushes her teeth a couple times during the day.
She likes to sit in the barbie houses. I immediately thought of Elf. :)
Enjoys feeding herself. She loved her some tomatoes for breakfast on occassion.
Sportin' a cute hairdo.

We love you Ash!