This past week Tiffany and I headed to San Diego with my dad for work related taskings. Just on a side note, I think business traveling is overrated...not much of a fan, and I've only had to do two trips this year. I've recently been "promoted" (not sure I want to accept the promotion) of Program Manager for one of our contracts. What a better way to get me acquainted with everything than to participate in a Program Management Review with our government contracting officers and an audit of the program. I wasn't too amused about the whole thing, but got through it (thanks to the muffin toppers for breakfast...I wish Utah had them somewhere...and the fact I have awesome co-workers). Also, we passed the audit with only three very minor corrective actions...yay :) Pretty good for making the ongoing transition only two weeks ago. I say ongoing because I really question how I will do it all; however, I have an awesome support group and great team players so I'm sure everything will work out. Plus, if there's ever a problem, Faja knows I'll be knocking on his door :)
Sadly, Ryah wasn't able to join me this trip. My mom had to stay home for the arrival of another grandkid so Ryah stayed with her and Jared. Flexibility is the one nice thing of owning your own business and makes occassions like this manageable. If Jared wasn't able to help out so much, I wouldn't make myself available for the trips. I would tell our government officials, since they are located at Hill in Clearfield, the PMR's have to be at our Clearfield office. They always like to hold the meetings at our San Diego office because it gives them a reason to travel there...I can't say I don't blame them. The view is incredible from the 16th floor, not to mention the weather is much more desireable. It was perfect weather last week; hence, the title of my post. I couldn't believe it was snowing here. I sure was glad to be basking in the sunlight all week.
Here are some pictures from our week...
Me standing by one of the windows in our "visitor" office. There were aircraft carriers and cruise ships going in and out of the harbor all week. I've never seen such large ships in my life. Those aircraft carriers are huge.
Isn't the view incredible???
One night we went to Hotel Del Coronado for dinner with some of our suppliers. The architecture is amazing in the building. Here is me and Tiff walking on the sandy white beach.
Here we are at another dinner. The restaurant was called "Extraordinary Desserts" and boy, does it suit it's name. The dinner menu consists of salads and sandwiches so you'll have plenty of room for their amazing desserts.
Here is the whole gang at Extraordinary Desserts. The guy next to me is our Quality/HVOF manager and the guy next to him is none other than the infamous Faja.

I realize this picture probably looks odd, but I had to share a funny story from our trip. My dad was not a fan of staying for our QSE audit Friday, so he told me he was going home Thursday. Tiff and I gave him grief, but it is what it is once Faja makes up his mind. Come Thursday afternoon he leaves the office and heads for the airport. About a half hour later we get a call from him saying he did the dumbest thing ever. He went to check-in and they couldn't find his reservation anywhere. Come to find out, his flight was for Friday afternoon and not Thursday. He totally booked the wrong day. The funny thing is that is not long my dad at all. He has never made that kind of mistake his whole life and he travels quite often. The problem we had was there were quite a few conventions going on last week, so the hotels were booked. As you can see, Faja had to share our one bed hotel room with me and Tiff. The bed looks a lot smaller in the picture than it was in person, but it's still only one bed. I wasn't about to sleep on the floor. I have this weird issue with hotel floors, so as you can probably tell, I got to sleep in the lovely middle.
Won't this look odd from an auditor's standpoint when they look at our travel records...three people all sharing the same room with different last names. :) Everyone got quite the laugh out of it. I guess it's a good thing we're so close...literally!!! LOL
As I mentioned earlier, my mom couldn't make it due to the birth of another grandbaby. My brother's wife, Jeni Jo, was a week overdue, so they scheduled her to be induced Wednesday at midnight. After 21 grueling hours of labor Jax Reed Edwards was born March 26th, 8 lbs 4 oz, 20 inches long. He sure is a cutie.

I forget how little they are.

Proud daddy...he already knows how to "milk" it.

It's crazy how much love you have for these little ones. I'm sure most people know Jared and I are expecting again. I haven't formally announced it on the blog, so if you have heard the rumor, but haven't dared to ask because it seems surreal coming from us, it is true. This wasn't planned at all, but we are excited. My parents will have gone from zero grandkids to four in one year. They will have two boys and two girls...yep, we are the ones having another girl. It will be fun; she and Ry will be less than 14 mos apart. I am five months along and I can't believe how fast it's going by. Call us crazy, we know :) Our household will definitely be that way for the first little while, but it will be exciting.
Well there you have it; the craziness of our lives lately. I'll get some more recent pics of Missy Ry Ry up soon. She is getting so funny. Even though she can't talk, she sure has a silly personality and understands things I ask her. If I say the word blankie, she'll go right to it, if we say baby or bear, she'll get them, if we say binki she gets that...she's brought so much joy to our lives, Jared and I can't imagine life without her. We love her soooo much!!! This is definitely the "time of our lives."