Monday, February 18, 2013


One thing about my me and my cousin's is we are all pretty close on both sides.  Our parents had us involved a lot together when we were younger and those relationships have maintained as we have gotten older.  We support each other whenever we are able.  I had two cousins from the Edwards side, Kipp leaving for a mission to St. Louis, MO and the Dylan returning from a mission to South Africa.  It was a fun getting together and the girls love every opportunity they get to see Grandma Jeanne.  She is one of their favorite's.



Waiting for Dylan's arrival

This is when Dylan how the kidlets have changed. 
Kes cooperated better when she was little.

1 comment:

Talisha Shepherd said...

You guys have such a darling family. :) I can't wait for my brother to come home from his mission. Congrats on his return.