Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Happy 30th

I hit the big 30 in crazy. I don't feel much older than 20. Jared and the girls surprised me and had the basement all decorated. I went about the day not planning on much and Jared called and told me to be ready to go somewhere by 4:30. The time approached and I learned he had gotten a babysitter so we could go to an annual Benihana birthday dinner and tickets to see Thriller with my family.

It was a great time! He put a lot of thought into everything to make it special for me. I am so grateful for him and all he does for us. Thanks for the fun birthday everyone!

1 comment:

Talisha Shepherd said...

What an AWESOME Birthday surprise. Jared is such a stud. Happy B-lated Birthday! Miss seeing you guys in church.